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Unplugged Expo 2014:

I somehow managed to miss last year's Unplugged event, but not this year! See what happened at this 2-day con!

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I drove straight down from Woodstock, down Allen-road (aka slowest road in the world at that moment), can't say I envy those who couldn't take the Gardener express downtown as it was under maintenance. I also didn't enjoy trying to take it leaving the city as google maps insisted it was ok to do so.

VickyBunnyAngel being cheery at her Booth

The con itself is fairly small, I'd guesstimate 600/700 people? It took place at the Chestnut conference centre in downtown Toronto. Frankly, I'd advise that hotel to perhaps put up a sign on their front blank wall cause it's guess-worthy what hotel it is when google-mapping or driving by. Space was adequate for such a convention-size. Seemed to have all the necessary staples: artist alley, dealer's room, masquerade, special guests (Johnny Yong Bosch!), panels, video-game room, etc... I checked out a bit of each. Wasn't around long enough both days to fully explore each section but liked what I saw.

World of Warcraft / Pokemon Cross-over!

I bought a coupe small items, pins, pockey, foam treats, and a delicious Korean BBQ dinner on Sat night(!) Had a great time with everyone there, our group of 12 was too large so we had to divide into two 6-man teams in order to fit at the tables. The sausage was delicious as was the beef I was forced to eat when nobody claimed it... My gain!

I had a couple of shoots and they all went rather well. Walked around and discovered some new areas of the Downtown core. Great weather over the weekend so nobody was boiling beneath their costumes, or me. Never realized how many homeless there are in the mini parks; kind of gross and smelly in those areas to be honest...

Koga... Not a mut

Not a whole lot more to write down, I still have some other work to get done tonight so I'll leave it at that. I'll likely drop by again next year, and I'm hoping the con will be able to provide actual badges (even basic ones) over wrist-straps (or as I like to call them, "sheep tags*).

If you haven't, check out the gallery and see what there was!
